That Coulda Gone So Much Worse

So, the moral of the story is, put away your beauty products when you’re done with them.

I’m sick with a nasty headcold this morning and can’t call in sick to work for a few reasons, so I’m being a trouper and heading in anyhow. There I was, getting my makeup ready to put on, but first I needed moisturizer. I’m out of my preferred brand, so I’m defaulting and using the Vitamin E cream that comes with a hair removal product.

I’ve had no coffee yet, so I’m muddling through my morning the best I can, planning to delve into a pot of French press java at work. Meanwhile, there I am, rubbing cream all over my hands and into my face. Even with my stuffy nose I noted “man, this stuff smells like shit… you’d think the cream would smell better than the hair removal stuff.”

And that’s when I noticed that I’d rubbed hair remover all over my face.

My pride’s down there in the puddle of water that’s left over from me freaking out and spraying water all over myself in record land-speed time.

Boy, do I love being sick.

4 thoughts on “That Coulda Gone So Much Worse

  1. Haaaaaaa

    LOL – hair remover, eh? Since you aren’t growing a mustache or beard, probably wasn’t bad. Did you loose your eyebrows or lashes? Still LOL….

    Buck up, I once poured milk in the coffee maker on a day like that.

  2. Scribe Called Steff

    No, no, it takes about 5-10 minutes to remove hair, so my 60 seconds or so was not anywhere close to the required amount for hair-nuking, but I almost ignored the scent, thinking my nose was off. FORTUNATELY…

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