Freedom of Speech, No Freedom from Consequence

Like any blogging keener, I was thrilled when I had the chance to be interviewed for a shitty little online thingie, whoring my blogsa couple years back, maybe even three. Somehow, like the ignorant little blogger I was, I blurted my full name out, and the fucking twit who interviewed me somehow failed to grasp my meaning when I said “Don’t use my name” and I was outted as the authoress of a blog that had sexual content with my full name attached, yielding some 20,000 hits or something dumb-ass like that.
The last couple years have been fraught with unemployment (mostly my own fault, I realize now, in retrospect) and I have spent much time on the job-hunting prowl.
I know for a fact that my outting with this blog has affected me professionally. I have lost one job for this blog, failed to get a few I should have been a lock for (inexplicably, too), and was threatened with the loss of another. My last employer found out about my blog four months into my working there, and instructed me that I could never, ever write about my job. I was asked to delete postings, and kept under an uncertain job-security shadow for the last two months before I forfeited my position.
The internet can, and will, affect your life if you cross the perceived bounds of what is “normalized” behaviour.
I am fortunate I am in good with this great family I work for now. They know of my writing in all its forms, encourage me to continue it, accommodate my life in every way, but come with the small drawback that I could be laid off for up to 6 weeks a year… or not at all. But the rest of the time, I work when I want, for anything between 35-45 hours a week, on my whim, or as workload may dictate (to which I’m always allowed to say no). But… what great people.
And I know firsthand that they are very much the exception to the average employment rule. The people I’ve worked for in the last three years really don’t hold a fucking candle.
The internet is not your friend, so don’t kid yourself. There are daunting tales emerging about people who are having disastrous effect from their inability to censor more reckless thoughts on the web. You may think your innocuous little Facebook status alerts are cutesy and amusing, but they’re snapshots that make up a very, very complete picture for potential employers… and even potential dates.
Your internet behaviour, including that on internet dating sites, can, and will, affect you both professionally and personally. Vigilance is warranted, even demanded.
I have known for a very, very long time that I have been outted in the blogosphere. I decided a long time ago that any one of a number of postings had pretty much shattered any conservative credibility I had, so I figured why start censoring myself now?
But you probably haven’t paid such a price now, and if there’s any way to limit the permeability of your Facebook, MySpace, or any other social networking page, then you’d better ensure you start conforming a bit.
Me, I think we’re at a premie stage of all this. I think a few years are going to pass and all of a sudden a huge awakening will dawn upon us all and a realization will collectively form that: Everyone has skeletons in their closets.
The thing about microscopes is, they’re built to find imperfections. The internet, it’s the biggest microscope of them all.
Two, three, five years ago, or even 13 years ago, who knew the permanence of these five-second comments we’d leave on the web? Now, anything from ’96 or so on is found in the cache of that uber-engine, Google.
I left my last job because they found out about my blog and “didn’t know” what to make of it. I could smell my blood on a spit and knew my days were numbered, so when I found out my old employers wished I would return, I leapt at the chance. I was tired of feeling I had to censure my postings so that I wouldn’t offend my mealticket.
But fuck that now.
And fuck censoring it for anyone. Who’s kidding who? Blew that years ago. Now it’s all about finding employers and people who fit my definition of “right” and it’s a price I’ll continue to pay, all because some fuckwit published my name when I’d done everything in my power not to have my name known, and because I refuse to try and pretend I’m something I’m not, but most of all because I refuse to apologize when I know I’ve done nothing wrong. After all, I’ve been told this is a free country and we had freedom of practice, so I thought I’d be crazy and take ’em all on their word. Free. That’s us, right? Free to say what we think, whenever we wish to speak it?
Or, maybe not so much. Wouldn’t that suck, though?
Que sera sera, man. Read this International Herald Tribune article and it’ll smack some reality check into ya. Whew. Heady times, baby. Give it five years. Things’ll start being digested with a grain of salt. Until then, though, and maybe a little after too, watch yer ass, minions. Watch yer ass.

3 thoughts on “Freedom of Speech, No Freedom from Consequence

  1. Michelle

    I just had somewhat of a similar reality check when my boyfriend googled my online nickname and found out way more about me than I wanted him to on his own. I guess I should google myself in every way possible and try to remove incriminating evidence. 🙁

  2. Ecrivain

    How did your employer find out about your blog? I’m careful never to post anything while I’m at work and I’ve always kept online nicknames different from what I use in the blog universe with what I use in chat — though I never chat or use message boards or go on Facebook at work.

  3. Scribe Called Steff

    Pretty complicated story there, E, but I didn’t have a problem with them finding out. I had a problem with them saying they found out in June, telling me they “didn’t know what to make of it”, that the jury was still out…

    Then telling me the same thing in July.

    Then telling me the same thing in August.

    Have a problem with something, then fucking know how ya feel about it and be decisive. Dicking people around when you’re irked by something is bullshit.

    My current employers I had worked for for seven years and I’m back there now. They know about my blogs, have always known, and have no issues. When I told them about the way my blogging role was being lorded over me, they called bullshit and said they would never, ever have a problem with whatever I chose to blog about, so long as I reveal nothing about the projects I work on (non-disclosure agreements are pretty common in the film industry).

    I have never, ever blogged from any job. Ever. Won’t, either. I think that’s bullshit. My job doesn’t pay me for breaks or surfing, so I seldom do much on the web aside from all the research I need to do for fact-checking shows I’m working on… which I love doing.


    I would have understood if I lost my job because my employer had political issues with sexual content. I’d have investigated my rights and considered fighting it, but I would’ve also had issues with fighting it since I believe in freedom of expression but also freedom of choice, and that goes both ways, not just for me, right?

    But they pussied around and didn’t have the sac to put their cards on the table, and instead strung me along. I don’t think that’s right in any relationship, let alone an employer-employee one. Honesty, decisiveness, and commitment, man… cornerstones to making shit work.

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