I'm a Citizen, Not a Rioter

A fan-created image on the Facebook "Post-Riot Cleanup" page for the Vancouver Riot.

Last night, a couple thousand drunk assholes brought shame to the city I’ve loved my whole life.
Normally passionate about personal freedoms, I’m shouting the loudest for people to ID those they know who have brought this riot and destruction, and the shame and poor reputation that come with, to justice.
Some speculate it was all suburb folk, some speculate it was all locals. We don’t know. I speculate more suburbs and other-place types who didn’t come looking for a hockey game, but who came looking to shit-kick the world.
More on that later.
But I know who it wasn’t. It wasn’t George Roux, this passionate Canucks Fan.
I want to share this brilliant twist on the great “My Name is Joe, And I Am Canadian” Molson ad, written for Facebook by George Roux, who knocked me out with this:

I’m not a pyromaniac, or a car flipper,
and I didn’t trash Sears, or Chapters, or the CBC screens
and I don’t know Johnny, Sunny or Raj from Granville Street
although I’m certain they’re really, really drunk.
I have a jersey and car flag, not a Molotov cocktail.
I cheer all the time, not just when we’re winning.
I can proudly wear my jersey daily, not just on game days.
I believe in puck-handling, not crosschecking; passing, not tripping;
and that the Canucks are still the best team in the league
A fan is proud, a fire is to keep warm, and it’s a beer, not a weapon; a beer.
Canucks were the best in the regular season this year.
All of Canada cheered us on! and we’ll be the best again next year!
My name is George!! And I am True Canucks Fan!
Get off my Bandwagon
Thank you.

Thank you, George.
Thank you, Vancouverites who are cleaning up.
Thank you, Canucks, for trying.

Dear Francesco Aquilini: Can we get the team a sports psychologist now? If they didn’t need one before the game, they need one now. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “I'm a Citizen, Not a Rioter

  1. George Roux

    I don’t blog personally, I don’t Twitter… frankly the internet connectivity is too large for me to wrap my head around sometimes.
    Steff, oddly enough I have seen your blog once before you posted my comments from facebook today. I don’t remember why I found it, but I’ve seen your work before this.
    The TRUE Canucks fans in Vancouver, Canada and around the World should feel PROUD for what this team has done this year. We didn’t win the big shiny trophy, but we broke records, we went the distance and I believe we learned alot about what it takes to go this far in the playoffs. The COWARDS responsible for the riots should feel ashamed for what they’ve done. They may have felt good last night, but that feeling will be short lived. They cannot brag about it, or tell others because now they have to forever live in FEAR someone will find out what they did. They are NOT true Canucks Fans, they chose to hide behind OUR jersey to commit their criminal acts. Their actions reminded me of nothing more than amateur terrorism and discontent using the passable excuse of “cry cry our team lost” to destroy our city, and reputation.
    Real Fans Don’t Riot.
    Thank You

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