Monthly Archives: February 2014

Unmerciful World: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Us, & The Scourge of Addiction

Stunning photo of the master in a moment of reflection. By Mark Abrams.

I was rocked to my core with news of one of my favourite actors’ death this morning. Gutted.
And I have been meaning to begin writing on Medium, where it’s easier to attract a new audience.
For the first time in a long time, I was really inspired to write. 2.5 hours later, I had written this one, at some whopping 2,500 words-plus.
Please visit Medium and read my post called Unmerciful World: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Us, & The Scourge of Addiction. Note: If you have a Medium account, you can click on the passages that touch you most and leave a comment there. Kinda neat.