Tag Archives: are we there yet

Random Friday Morning Wherewithals

I thought I was handling my stress pretty well lately, sort of keeping it together in the face of all the chaos around me — which is exactly the situation I know I nearly never cope with well.
We know our limitations, right? Why do you think I’ve avoided doing total-home-organizing for so long? Whew.
So, earlier this week, I go into the office to chat to the two bosses, Le Cheeses That Be, and one, K, had just returned from holidays and asked how I was doing. I said I was going insane, but thought I was doing a good job of keeping it together and putting on The Fake for the faces around me.
And then my other boss, C, HOWLS with laughter. That’s when I found out I’ve been fooling exactly no one. C had another opportunity to howl with laughter at me when a friend of hers popped ’round the office and inquired as to how I’ve been doing. “The short answer is “fine”,” I told her. [insert mad howling/mocking laughter here, which still makes me smirk] Continue reading