10 Years, Man. What's Next?

10 years ago today I made my first post on a little blog called Cunting Linguist.
In those years, I’ve had it held against me by an employer, I’ve seen booms and I’ve seen busts. I enjoyed 5,000 visits a day for a year or two there, and then I smote all that for what would eventually be a crowd-please speech at Northern Voice called “How to Fuck Up Your Blog” because I took a neutron bomb to my web traffic and knocked it down to 50 lonely souls a day for a long while.
When I got mad about Facebook conversations regarding Jian Ghomeshi, that’s where I vented and broke the internet with about 250,000 hits in a couple days. The “most popular” post on my blog before that had something like 150 Facebook likes, but that one had nearly 27,000.
Ahh, that was fun, but also crazy. For what it’s worth, I don’t think “going viral” ever lasts for influence and getting a huge ongoing audience. It’s not that easy, man. It’s fleeting at best.
I’ve been in love with blogging and I’ve hated blogging. I’ve overshared and vagued my way through it all.
Blogging’s made me a better writer, but in the next five years, travelling will be my master class, and I can’t wait to see what it does for writing.
While The Full Nomad​ will be my primary blog, I’ll always go back to The Cunting Linguist​ when I wanna rip the Band-aid off or shout into the wind. It’ll always be my soapbox.
If you’ve been around for most of those years, thank you for the roller coaster companionship. If you’re more recent, thank you too!