Canada Stands Against Fascism: February 15
Here in Victoria, from 2 to 4pm, on Saturday the 15th there's a protest or rally to stand
The Clock is Ticking on American Freedom
Real talk for Americans.
It took Hitler 53 days to dismantle all of Germany’s democratic institutions. 53 days from
Eating the Rich: Mm, Tastes Like Freedom
I’ve never been a big fan of patriotism.
I suspect many Canadians feel the same. It’s annoying growing
When Fear Ends and Rage Begins: Practical Steps
As a Canadian, there is only so much I can do.
It’s one thing to be willing to defend
I Bleed Maple, Bitch
I used to be on Substack but I hate Nazis, so I moved my site off Substack to Ghost, a
Bluesky for Beginners
Very Basic Tips on Getting Going
When Hope Fails
Thoughts in the Night About How We Got Here
Why I Think Kamala Will Win
But holy heckin' tense times, Batman
On Taylor Swift, Democracy, Eating Well
And one of my favourite easy crowd-pleasing breakfast plates