About this site

About this site

I have blogged since 2003. This blog is a new interation on my old blog, The Cunting Linguist, whose archives live in full here.

I stopped publishing it back in about 2015.

Since that time, I travelled the world. I freelanced .

I quit freelancing with the rise of AI in 2023, when I saw the way things were going. I chose a modest, low-stress work-from-home flexible job with people who share my politics and don't mind my words.

Now I have freedom, and the security, to say what's on my mind.

This is my soapbox.

I believe in making good ideas accessible to the masses for free, because part of how we got here is billionaires bankrolled far-right extremists who were able to put their toxic ideals into the world for free.

But I'm no billionaire and I have to run this site with actual money, and I'm limited to how much I can write for free because life's expensive and rent is a thing.

Your financial support enables me to do this. Support me, and I'll keep it so those who can't pony up the bucks can still read for free, because the resistance needs every strong voice it can get.

So what are my core beliefs?

Pretty simple:

•Trans rights are human rights.
•Immigrants make countries stronger.
•Our freedom to choose and to be ourselves is the cornerstone of humanity.
•Communities are being destroyed by corporations and a lack of lease protection for small businesses.
•Having a home and a livable climate are basic human rights.

This blog believes:

  1. Billionaires should be taxed out of existence.
  2. Monopolies and tech giants are a threat to humanity.
  3. Trans rights are human rights.
  4. Generative AI is a concerted effort to devalue human knowledge.
  5. The Oxford comma is not up for debate.

Luigi Mangione was the tip of the iceberg for rage against the machine. My voice is joining the fray.

But this blog will also revel in beauty, muse on the human condition, ponder how our intoxicating swirl of humanity, culture, place, time, and governance make us who we are.

We can be full of rage yet love humanity at the same time. We're complex, and this blog will explore it.

I believe diversity makes us better. I believe technology will never replace human ingenuity. And I believe in us, all we deserve, and who we can be.

I'll write about that.

My pronouns are she and her. I'm straight. I'm white. I'm a settler. I live on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən People, known today as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations, in Victoria, Canada.