Friday Night, It's All Right
I have many friends concerned about news that my province has fully reached the third wave now. It’ll be a freaky few weeks to come, but whatcha gonna do?
Me, I’ll keep to myself. I’m learning more breadmaking these days. I’ve also started my first-ever patio vegetable garden. I’m growing from seed for the first time ever and it’s a very emotional but fulfilling experience.
And then there’s park benches.
I never take a walk that doesn’t involve a park bench. Maybe that’s not the calorie-busting way, but it’s darn good for the soul.
It’s 6:23 p.m. on Friday night and I’m heading out for a stroll in a moment. Got a hot date with a sunset and a park bench.
The only trouble is, a lot of folks will be out taking in the sunset. So, that’s just the way it goes.
But that’s Friday night by the sea for ya. The alternatives are plenty too, but it’s the first couple of spring days and people are excited to be out there in sunshine.
I’m sure I’ll find somewhere to enjoy on my own.
My life philosophy embraces what I call ‘the Park Bench Theory’ and it’s pretty simple. Any day you can sit and observe the world for a spell, that’s a good day.
I could get all deep and writer-y about that, but just go sit on a bench in a beautiful place for 10 minutes and tell me what you find complicated about the concept.
Sit. Be of the world. Breathe. Observe. Smile. Go.
Stay as long as you like, leave it clean for the next needy soul. Take some peace with you.
I’ve found that places that have more benches tend to have a nicer life balance. Certainly not a scientific study, but there are just places where benches abound and it’s really easy to find solace in your day. A few places in Italy come to mind. Greece.
Loads and loads and loads of wonderful benches here. It’s something I love about Victoria. What a wonderful place Victoria is, even when you’re alone. It’s a perfect city for appreciating life whether you’re a party of one or the whole fam damily.
A book, yourself, your phone, some music, a snack, a drink, a joint, a friend – whatever it is you’d like to spend your time enjoying for a while, take it to a bench and just have a moment. But especially do it alone. It’s really all right. No one will judge you for taking up a bench.
Even now, as things get a little scary out there again, the Park Bench Theory is helpful. I promise.
So, that’s me now – off for a little Park Bench Therapy under a setting sun.
More to come the weekend. Be well. Be safe. Be careful.
Here’s a shot from a place I was blessed to housesit at, here on Vancouver Island, back in 2017. Now that’s a sunset. (Correction… sunrise!) Duncan, British Columbia.

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