Something I Wrote Elsewhere
TRIGGER WARNING: Some things need a wider audience
Harnessing the Wind (or Something)
Notes from the far side of the freelancing fray
Memories of Sofia
It's Complicated: People often ask me what places I loved the most.
Some Words from the Fray
Thoughts on impatience, anger, and two years
On Bakers and Politics and Perspective
Some thoughts on life and hardship, courtesy of the Great British Bake Off
What's That About Vaccine Passports?
Celebrity doc "Dr. Drew" puts his foot in it on the topic of vaccine passports
Time is a Tease
Like Jagger said, we don't get what we want but sometimes get what we need
Friday Night, It's All Right
When things are big and scary, be small and in the moment
Always Learning the Curve
It's the little stuff people don't think about when it comes to living abroad
When Words Don't Matter
Sometimes travel transcends language barriers